Four published opinions from the Court of Appeals, but first a word a about an unpublished one
You always remember your first time . . .
A New Location -- Same Old, Same Old
One Published Decision — Can you be actually innocent of a crime you weren’t convicted of?
An Appellate Lawyer Goes to Trial . . . That Sounds Mental (and it is)
Oral Argument the Way it Was Meant to Be
Introducing the Icarus Index
Three New Appellate Judges for Virginia
Court of Appeals Schedules First Oral Arguments in Appeals Filed in 2022 . . . But It’s Not Bi
One for the Win Column
New Kid on the Blawg Block
Nearly back to Normal
Some days you eat the bear, and some days the bear eats you
Court of Appeals Sends 2021 Out with More of a Whimper than a Bang
Three Criminal Appeals From the Court of Appeals: One defendant wins her appeal for a second time, t
An Award You Have to Pay For is Advertising; Advertising You Have to Pay For and Provide Prospects i
OCD, but not too OCD
Half a loaf . . .
File this under “Go to Language for Every Appeal Where the Standard is Abuse of Discreation
I send a lot of emails . . .