Nov 26, 202111 min read
Court of Appeals Releases Four Opinions Before Long Thanksgiving Break
With the state government taking an extended break for Thanksgiving, the Court of Appeals issued 4 published opinions and 3 unpublished...
Nov 20, 20212 min read
Why the United States is not Becoming a (insert demonized political theory here) State
Have you noticed that, according to their critics, American politicians are concurrently Nazis (imposing vaccine mandates/separating...
Nov 17, 20217 min read
Court of Appeals of Virginia Affirms Conviction of “Unite the Right” Rally Killer
In the short time that this blawg has been in existence, I have had the pleasure of meeting several of its readers. The most common...
Nov 10, 20215 min read
Three Criminal Appeals From the Court of Appeals: One defendant wins her appeal for a second time, t
Following your humble correspondent’s first appearance as an advocate before the Supreme Court of Virginia this morning, his schedule has...